When you have a septic system, it requires its own type of care. A big part of this is to make sure that solid items don’t get into the system. You don’t have to know all about septic services in order to take care of your own unit. If you want to build your own septic system, it is possible to do it, but it can go very wrong if it isn’t done correctly. It’s recommended that you get septic professionals to install your system.
If you want to work on your septic system, you may wonder- how can I find out where my septic tank is? If you have an above-ground sewer pipe, it will be easy to find. Otherwise, you might look for an area of discoloration on your lawn. The grass is often yellowed above the septic tank, and it will be yellowed in a square or rectangle. You may also be able to look at the inspection report on your house to see where the septic tank is. If you can’t find it, you may need a professional to come out and tell you where it is. Otherwise, take good care of it so that there are no problems with it.
What does the septic service do? Homeowners learn a lot about home improvement and home maintenance during homeownership. New housing problems will come up consistently and you will learn about the symptoms and needed repairs. One of these unknown properties within the household is the plumbing and septic system. Septic systems are where the soiled water goes after flushing or draining it from the house. Yet, many homeowners do not fully understand how this works, or what it requires for regular maintenance.
A septic tank is similar to a storage tank. It stores the drained water and the incoming water. Both of these water sources are separated to keep the incoming water clean and uncontaminated. Most septic tanks are made out of either concrete or fiberglass. The specific material usually depends on when your house was built or when the septic tank was installed or upgraded. When you purchase a new home, it is important to locate the septic tank and have it fully inspected. It is also helpful to know where it is located, in the event that you have problems with it down the road.
Additional features of the septic tank
Some homes have additional features attached to the septic tank. It is important to know exactly what is draining into the septic tank, because this will affect the amount of content stored within it. For example, a garbage disposal alone can increase the amount of solids in the septic tank by 50%. This is another reason why it is so important to locate and inspect the septic pumping system upon moving in. You will want to know how full it currently is, what features are dumping into it, and the size of the current tank. The size is important, as increased water usage can cause it to overflow much quicker.
Size of the septic tank
The size of your septic tank needs will depend on how many people are in your household, how much water your household uses on average, and the number of water features that are dumping into the septic service. Usually, a septic tank should be big enough to hold two days of wastewater, which is how long it takes for solids to settle out. If you are right on this border, it is important to keep an eye on your septic tank to ensure that it is not overflowing. Otherwise, you will want to have your current septic tank replaced with a larger one.
When pumping is needed
Septic tanks eventually have to be professionally pumped. Pumping your septic tank requires a professional septic service because the waste needs to go to an approved area. The pumping also requires specialized equipment that would simply be too expensive to purchase or rent on your own. This pumping is usually done every couple of years, but the size and usage of your septic tank will factor into this timeline. Currently, data from the EPA states that more than 4 billion gallons of wastewater is dispersed below the ground surface every day. Water septic pumping removes a large portion of that.
The importance of immediate septic tank repairs
Septic tanks, just like any other household service can require repairs. However, it is crucial to not put off septic tank repairs. Putting them off can cause sewer pumping problems that can lead to household flooding. Considering that flooding and water damage within the house is one of the most expensive insurance claims, you do not want this to happen. If you identify a problem with your septic system, schedule a repair immediately.
Many households across the country are moving to a septic service plumbing system. Although the septic system has many advantages over traditional plumbing systems, it does require some amount of regular maintenance. If you purchase a house with a septic system, remember to have it initially inspected to ensure that it is meeting your current household septic needs.